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Bolestivá spoveď lyžiarky: Shiffrinová opísala, ako zomieral jej milovaný otec

Americká lyžiarka Mikaela Shiffrinová sa po smrti otca takmer zrútila a uvažovala o konci kariéry. Až sedem mesiacov od tragickej udalosti prezradila detaily.

Ilustračný obrázok k článku Bolestivá spoveď lyžiarky: Shiffrinová opísala, ako zomieral jej milovaný otec

Vo februári sa kráľovná lyžiarskych svahov ponorila do veľkého smútku. Jej milovaný otec Jeff Shiffrin náhle zomrel.

Čo sa stalo?

Veľký fanúšik americkej hviezdy podľahol zraneniam hlavy, keď mal predtým nehodu v jeho dome v coloradskom mestečku Edwards. Mal spadnúť zo strechy. Až teraz sa však Mikaela viac rozhovorila o nečakanom skone blízkej osoby. „Od chvíle, keď mi zatelefonoval brat, som verila. Po desaťhodinovom lete som ďalších deväť hodín sedela na nemocničnej posteli s bratom a mamou a držali sme otca za ruku,“ opísala svoje pocity na sociálnej sieti.

„Lekár povedal, že urobia všetko preto, aby zostal nažive, kým prídeme,“ smutne spomína Shiffrinová.

Čakali na zázrak

Aj po príchode do nemocnice dúfala, že jej milovaný otec zvládne náročný boj a dostane sa z najhoršieho. Nestalo sa tak a došlo k tomu, čo si dovtedy večne vysmiata Mikaela nevedela predstaviť. „Na posteli sme čakali, ale povedali nám, že je čas, aby išiel…“ dodala 25-ročná lyžiarka. „V tej chvíli sa snažíte vysvetliť, čo sa stalo a nájsť odpoveď na otázku: Prečo?“ žiali Shiffrinová.

Chce dať silu iným

Lyžiarka prerušila sezónu a stiahla sa do ústrania. Len občas dala o sebe vedieť prostredníctvom sociálnych sietí, no boli to príspevky, z ktorých sálal smútok. Postupne sa s tragédiou vyrovnáva. „V hĺbke každého z nás je ukrytá neuveriteľná vec, o ktorej sa chcem podeliť v nádeji, že ju tiež objavíte. Je to odolnosť!“ píše Shiffrinová a pokračuje: „Práve odolnosť odhaľuje naše jazvy, ktoré obalí tenkou vrstvou utlmenia pred bolesťou. Som si istá, že veľa ľudí to prežíva, tak majte nádej, že v tom sme spolu.“

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There is something about trying to explain something that’s unexplainable. From the moment my brother called, to the 10 hr plane ride, to the following 9 hrs that I laid in that hospital bed with my dad waiting for them to say it was time to go and simultaneously hoping they never would, to the moments this summer with my mom and brother where we could actually smile or laugh together, to the overwhelming amount of *everything* that has cascaded down on us for the last 7 months, to now. This moment, where I’m trying to explain something that’s unexplainable. Why? Because hidden somewhere deep down within every single one of us is this incredible thing that I want to share with you in hopes that you may find it within yourself. A thing that exudes Hope. Bravery. Sadness. Anger. Joy. Pain. A thing that reveals our scars as if they branded us only yesterday, yet also finds a way to envelope them in a thin layer of the softest fabric. Something that can slightly dull the ache, the screaming coming from every fiber of our being. Resiliency. That thing is resiliency. And it has become more essential to my life over the last 7 months than I ever thought it would be. I’m sure a LOT of people have felt and currently feel that way. So maybe if I give you some hope, you can give me some too. Maybe if I share some strength, you might kindly return the favor. After all, we are in this together. The stories we are sharing through the Jeff Shiffrin Athlete Resiliency fund will send shivers down your spine, make you want to get up and dance, make you want to cry, and make you laugh, all at the same time. They are stories of heart and soul, and they are being told hand in hand with a massive effort to help the athletes of @usskiteam continue training and competing in their sports during one of the most challenging, frustrating and confusing times any of us have faced and may ever face. I am so incredibly proud to share this with you now. And I am so incredibly thankful to everyone who has helped bring this to life for our athletes. Throughout it all, together we can keep the flame alive. Learn more at keeptheflamealive.org. #keeptheflamealive

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As most of you probably know (if you don’t then mark your calendars now!) the @fisalpine World Cup opener at Soelden is just over one week from today 🥳🥳... but much to my disappointment, I will not be able to start this year🤦‍♀️. After tweaking my back skiing last week, I have been advised to sit Soelden out to let my back heal so I can race the rest of the season. Having started in Soelden for the last eight years straight, this feels...really frustrating and strange (for lack of better words). Luckily, this injury will heal and I will be back in the start soon... (and I can’t wait😏). While this is a bummer to not be racing myself, I am super psyched to watch my teammates compete. They are looking strong, fast, and fired up 🤟🤟. I’ll be cheering as loud as I can for our US women and men next weekend and I hope you will be too! I want to thank everyone, from my sponsors to the media, to the fans, the @usskiteam staff and my teammates, and especially my hometown community, family and friends, for your support in this whole process and for helping me get back out there doing the sport I love. YA’LL... this is HAPPENING. With all the uncertainty throughout this year, we are only ONE WEEK (and a day) away from the start of the World Cup season and that is something to be really excited about🥳🥳. Okay, maybe my countdown has been delayed, but the big countdown is ON and I can’t wait for it to start. I’m wishing the best to everyone racing in Soelden, and I’ll see you all soon👍👍. (📸: Dad🤍)

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